
When browsing our sites, cookies may be placed on Your device (computer, phone or tablet) depending on the preferences You have set and which You can change at any time.

A cookie is a small text file containing information relating to the navigation on these websites, the main purpose of which is to improve the way in which they are viewed and to enable personalised services to be provided to users.

On computers, cookies are managed by the Internet browser.

These cookies may be session cookies (in which case the cookie is automatically deleted when the browser is closed) or permanent cookies (in which case the cookie remains on the device until its expiry date).

Here you will find the cookies used by our websites.

How can you accept or reject cookies?
You can set your browser to accept or reject cookies, either systematically or depending on the sender, or to notify you when a cookie is stored on the terminal.

However, deleting all cookies used by the browser, including those used by other websites, may result in modification or loss of certain settings or information.

The configuration of each browser is different. You are responsible for following the instructions of your browser editor (the links available on the date of the most recent update of this page):
- If you use Internet Explorer
- If you are using Safari
- If you use Chrome
- If you use Opera

For more information about cookies and their consequences, please visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority.